
Intellibros - RISE FEST 2023

The story of Intellibros: Connor Wueller and Nash Brown are students from DeKalb High School and they created Intellibros. IntelliKits provides hands-on kits for students to learn about different STEM subjects. Students follow instructions to put these kits together to create a real working end product.

Myriam Nicodemus | Producer | @mnphotofilm

Joshua Martin | Director/Producer/Director of Photography | @cinedailies

Edward Crockett | Cinematographer/Camera Operator | @justedwardcrockett

Tyrus Tucker | Production Sound Mixer, Supervising Sound Editor | @tsound.us

Khoa Huynh | Key Grip | @kthuynh17

Ivy Martin | Behind the Scenes Videographer/Photographer | @wearejovy

Kristen Franklin | Behind the Scenes Videographer | @13kcinema

Adam Foster | Production Assistant | @afostkid

Clara Rüdiger | Production Assistant | @cl.rdgrSamuel

Douglas Miller | Production Assistant | @samueldouglasmiller

Tierra Johnson | Production Assistant | @tierra_selfcrowned

Dante Roughton | Production Assistant | @dante_roughton_kirori


Gameday - RISE FEST 2022