
RISE + La Casa - RISE FEST 2023

The story of RISE + La Casa: RISE is partnering with La Casa to use the entrepreneurial process to solve the problem of a lack of a community commercial kitchen in South Bend. This story shows one of the many pathways RISE students can take through intrapreneurial work with community partners. AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD WINNER FOR RISE FEST 2023

Myriam Nicodemus | Producer | @mnphotofilm

Christian Verstraete | Director@christianverstra

Tre Marquise | Co-Director of Photography | @_tremarquise

Cortland Gillespie | Co-Director of Photography | @cortland.gillespie

Tyrus Tucker | Production Sound Mixer, Supervising Sound Editor | @tsound.us

Collin Gruntman | Gaffer | @cgvisuals.us

Daniel Hiles | Behind the Scenes Photographer | @breakingshotphotography

Kristen Franklin | Behind the Scenes Videographer | @13kcinema


Mountain Waits: Art from Memory


Richard Heritage Transportation - RISE FEST 2022